DuMOR Advanced Diet Pet Rabbit Food makes sure your pet eats a healthy diet. This rabbit food recipe features digestible fiber, grains, minerals and vitamins - all of which are essential for overall health. It also contains probiotics to support a healthy digestive tract. This rabbit food comes in a convenient resealable bag to help maintain freshness. Made in USA. Balanced blend of digestible fiber, grains, minerals and vitamins specially prepared to provide a nutritious diet for pet rabbits Contains Timothy hay and alfalfa hay for a good source of digestible fiber Probiotics added to support a healthy digestive tract Vitamin E helps with skin, coat and immune system health Resealable bag helps keep the rabbit food fresh Made in USA Includes 10 lb. of rabbit food Satisfaction guaranteed Note: Don't forget the hay - fiber is vital to the normal function of the digestive system in rabbits; it is recommended that fresh grass hay, such as Timothy hay, be offered free choice