Open Farm Harvest Chicken Rustic Stew Wet Dog Food, Grain-Free Meal or Food Topper with Responsibly Sourced Meat and Superfoods Without Artificial Ingredients, Pack of 12, 12.5 Oz Each


HUMANELY SOURCED MEAT: Our human-grade recipe is made with bone broth and tender cuts of Certified Humane chicken and Ocean Wise approved fish that's high in nutrients without the fake stuff, so you can feel good about the food that’s in their bowl..MULTIPLE WAYS TO NOURISH: Serve it in place of canned food and gravy treats or pour onto dry food for the perfect meaty topping, guaranteed to boost mealtime for your pets. For leftover portions, our small resealable box makes sure it stays fresh..COMPLETE HEALTH AND WELLNESS: Treat your picky eaters of any breed or life stage. From puppy to senior, our honest gluten-free formula features mighty raw protein for meat lovers and a produce mix including carrots, chicory root, and dried kelp..FROM FARM TO BOWL: Dogs crave meat by natural primal instinct, so our recipe makes it the first ingredient. We simply skip the grain, corn, wheat, and soy in favor of superfoods like non-GMO pumpkin, carrot, and turmeric for whole diet balance..100% TRANSPARENCY: As a part of our commitment to transparent sourcing practices, we provide owners with the ability to trace the origin of every ingredient using the lot number on the bag, because where pet foods come from shouldn’t be a mystery.



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