Get Your Invisalign Cleaner in 15 Minutes: With 50 packets and a cleaning tub included, these cleaning crystals for Invisalign retainers work in 15 minutes to remove plaque from your aligners or retainers to keep them odor-free, hygienic and clear.Easy to Use: Weekly, remove aligners and rinse; Place them in a tub; Fill with warm water to immerse; Add a packet of Invisalign crystals; Agitate for 20 seconds to dissolve; Let stand for 15 minutes; Agitate for 20 seconds; Rinse thoroughly.Best Storage Practices for Your Invisalign Cleaner Crystals: Keep these packets of clear aligner cleaner in a cool, dry place to ensure optimal usability.Ingredients: Sodium Sulfate, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Tripolyphosphate, Sodium Dichlorosocyanurate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.Invisalign Value: From cases to retainer cleaners, Invisalign offers all the tools and Invisalign accessories you need to maximize the experience of achieving your best smile; Aligners not included