Produced and published by Detroit-based Calvert Lithographing Company, this unique depiction of Detroit shows it in a period of significant growth, transformation, and prosperity. The company was founded in 1863 and would remain a trusted leader in mapmaking for more than a century. Located on the North bank of the Detroit River, the iconic city of the Midwest was a significant economic driver for Southeastern Michigan and, by the late nineteenth century, had attracted immigrants from across Europe and America eager to work in numerous thriving industries. As a major port, Detroit became a gateway for the flow of goods into the Great Lakes and connected the system to one of the four major straights via the Lawrence Seaway. As the second-largest city and economy in the Midwest, Detroit’s distinctive culture was shaped throughout the nineteenth century by its importance as a major economic hub and would come to be known for its contributions in art, music, culture, and the automobile industry. The so-called Motor City is connected via tunnel and rail to its neighboring city Windsor, Ontario. During the early part of the twentieth century, the Detroit Port became the busiest hub in the world, with more than sixty-five million tons of shipping commerce passing through the city. In the 1880s and 1890s, Detroit became known as the Paris of the West and is well known for its distinctive architecture, grand avenues, and electric lighting. This is truly an authentic piece of American cartographical history.Our museum quality giclee print comes printed with archival ink on premium heavyweight matte paper Overall Size: 24" H x 36" W